Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Brother 11 Jordan Hoh

Big Brother 11 update, Wow, a lot can happen in less than 24 hours. This is crazy. After winning the HOH competition Jordan has become the new HOH for week 6.

Ok, so apparently since Chima got kicked out of the house last night due to breaking the rules, Michele’s HOH was canceled out,and they decided to do another HOH competition, which Jordan won,surprisingly. This has been an eventful day,I’ve gotta tell you.

Geeez, I leave for six hours,and all hell breaks loose. Now, Natalie,Michele,and Lydia have been going back and forth all day long arguing,and arguing. Apparently, Michele was on Russell,Jeff,and Jordan’s side the whole time,and she was just playing Chima,Natalie,and Lydia. So now they are really pissed.

These people cannot calm down. All hell has broken loose. Natalie called Michele an habitual liar,and has vowed to get rid of her if she doesn’t go this week. Jeff has been trying to keep everything civil. He said he respects Natalie,and that she has a good heart.

Natalie said she doesn’t have a problem with Jeff. She only has a problem with Michele for all her lying